Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Exam Stress

So the other day Lane and I both had very interesting experiences with people and exam stress. I was having a conversation in a lecture hall with another girl in my class waiting for lecture to start. I mean we weren’t being particularly loud. There was another group of people talking on the other side of the lecture hall, talking about some project they needed to complete. Well there was this sole girl in the back of the lecture hall trying to study. She got so fed up with us that she asked us to stop talking. I didn’t really understand because she could have just as easily gone somewhere else in order to study rather than a common area. I don’t know it was a little weird to me. Then Lane also had an experience in the lab, which does not have a talking policy. He got reprimanded for talking to someone next to him by a person trying to study next to him. There are specific areas in the school that are designated quiet areas. I just don’t know why people expect everyone to be quiet because they need to study in that particular place. In addition, the rest of the lab was whispering and murmuring to friends. Maybe Lane and I just ran into some touchy people that day but these experiences do outline the sort of stress that people have come exam times here.

As I have mentioned before, exams are a big deal. I think that it is UCT policy that exams must be at least 50% of your overall grade. Thus what you have done to this point only counts for half your grade. It seems a bit harsh to me, but regardless. Anyways, this creates a lot of anxiety among students this time of year. Don’t get me wrong, stress at home is a huge deal as well but I feel that it is a little different.

Exams are spread out over the course of 3 weeks and we have a week break for study leave. All my exams are so spread out that I don’t really have to worry too much about them. I can do a little studying and something fun every day. But for people who haven’t necessarily done well or who have slacked off all term, this is their chance to learn everything and pass the class. The library is packed and during this time you really have to grab a seat and hold on tight and hope that no one steals it while you go to the bathroom. It really is a dog eat dog world right now. At home, we just have a week of exams and then we are done. There is no study leave or long spread out finals. I guess there are there pluses and minuses both ways, but it is interesting to observe right now!

One last thing. Around exam time everywhere there are many marketing schemes to “help” students deal with exam stress but here I have found the best one yet. There was an advertisement for a natural “tranquilizer” It is a moderate sedative that helps you beat stress. Man can you imagine giving yourself a sedative to get through exams. It makes me chuckle every time.

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